
Note: This is the third post I have done tonight. I was feeling the need for some updates. So make sure you read all the way down!

Here is a general picture update from the last couple of months.

We've been going to John's parents' cabin a lot lately. Which is fun. Emma and Téah especially love it. Here's Emma chillin' in the big yard up there.

John, Téah and the German Shepherds in the creek.

Téah in the kitchen of the cabin. It must have been humid. Her hair is very curly here!

John and Téah on John's 31st (!) birthday.

Micah loves Emma's bowls. I have scraped dog food out of his mouth several times and if there is no food in her bowl he just plays in her water. The funny thing is it freaks Emma out and she runs away if she sees him crawling toward her bowls.

Téah with some summer corn on the cob. Some days she loves it, other days she won't touch it!

Look who can stand on his own!

Size comparison of the two kiddos as of August 2008. I have a 3 year old and an almost-one-year old. CRAZY!

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