
Micah turned ONE on Friday! (Sept. 26th). I can't even begin to understand where this past year has gone. It went so fast. Micah is the most easy-going, lovable, playful, sweet little boy you could ever imagine. I can't really believe that he is headed straight for toddler-hood now. And boy is he ever! This kid is crazy and a ton of fun!

We had a party for him on his birthday and had a lot of fun with friends and family. Here are some pictures of the birthday boy from his big day.

Being cute earlier in the day:

This is Micah's new "ooh!" face. He does this whenever he thinks something is interesting or he really wants it. I think at this point it was the camera!

Opening a gift:

This is what seems to happen whenever I try to take Micah's picture anymore.

"Here, you can have this hat. I don't need it."

Micah liked playing in his cake. Once he tasted it, he was done with it though.

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