
I know we all long for more hours in the day at times. Although there are days when I long for LESS hours in the day and more restful ones at night, but we all know how that goes. Lately I find myself longing for more productive hours in the day. I made a list Monday night. It had everything I hoped to accomplish on Tuesday. I knew it was a lofty list and I had set the bar high, but I had no idea I would only cross two things off of it initially. In the end I added two things to the list just so I could cross them off and feel better about my day. I expect a lot of myself and others. I know this about myself. I want things done and I want to do them MY way and quickly. So a list was perfect. But it wasn't really.

This morning that list was still sitting on the kitchen counter. It's still sitting there now and nothing else has been crossed off. But as I looked at it this morning bemoaning all the thing I did NOT get done I had to remind myself (not so gently either) that there was a lot that was NOT on that list that I did accomplish. There are things in life that don't belong on lists that are bigger accomplishments than say vacuuming the steps or doing umpteen loads of laundry. Things like spending time with my children and watching them dance to an old Swing Kids soundtrack. Things like sitting on the couch debriefing the day with my husband. Things like trying to stay sane. Seriously.

In the winter months I get extremely stir-crazy and easily annoyed. Moody, if you will. And when it starts snowing in October it feels as if Winter has set in already. But it still can't be about crossing things off lists. And if it is then all I will do is continue to be annoyed by my children needing my attention because then it means I'm not accomplishing anything. But I know that's not true. Because if I don't give my all to them now and forget about the lists then I will never have the chance again.

I just think we need to have more dance parties in this house. Especially to swing music.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, dancing! Party time!

Anonymous said...

lost, AKA Mom