
I've decided to start documenting our garden and the progress it makes throughout the spring and summer on this blog. So if you are totally bored with that kind of stuff you can surf on over to another blog now. Hopefully though you will enjoy seeing everything grow from week to week just like I do! So here we go.

First off, the basic "front of the house" shot. Notice what happens when you don't use fertilizer or chemicals on your lawn. Suddenly you own a field of dandelions. Yikes.

The front steps covered in seedlings. (some for the Open Door/Open Hand Ministries garden project, some for some friends and some are ours - the porch is COVERED in these trays right now)

To the right of the front steps:

To the left of the front steps:

And 2 pictures of the side of the house. This is where the rosebushes and peony are.

All the beds from the front:


The 2 Long Beds (pretty much empty right now, but they will have tomatoes, peppers and probably some potatoes)


Small Square Bed (cabbage, radish and a longely oregano)

Large Square Bed (lettuce, swiss chard and other greens)

And the "new" bed (for this year anyway!) (only broccoli for now, will probably have zuc, canteloupe and maybe some carrots)

All the beds from the back: (Téah's sandbox is in the bottom of the picture)

And this year our new project is a wildflower garden in the backyard and a small patio beside it. As of now, the fence is up (temporary for now) and the seeds are in and starting to sprout. Here are "in progress" pictures:

And I just thought this was funny. A viola from last year reseeded itself in a small crack in the sidewalk and it's gorgeous. So I'm leaving it there!

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