
I know you've all been anxiously waiting for this. It's time for a Garden Update! The weather is finally warm (ok, HOT) and things are actually growing. We had kind of a crappy, cold spring and seemed like we were really far behind for awhile. But things are catching up now. Here we go:

Here's all the raised beds viewed from the back:

Large Square Bed, (lettuce in the front, swiss chard and radishes in the back)

The "new" Bed (directly behind the large square bed) The big leaves are the broccoli, there are carrots in there too.

Small Square Bed (cabbage, notice that something is eating holes in the leaves!)

The Strawberry Bed and the beautiful strawberries!

Téah and "her" strawberries (or at least that's what she says)

She says they're yummy!

The two long beds (with tomatoes and peppers that are still catching up)

Raspberry Bed

View of all the beds from the front

View of the entire house (pretty hanging baskets!)

The peach tree has filled in:

It even has little peaches

and a ladybug too

Left Front of the house:

Right Front:

the roses are all blooming!

And the wildflower garden is filling in too.

I'll try to post sometime this week with some pictures from vacation too.


Beverly said...

Your garden is beautiful... what a wonderful place to be! I know the kids are having a great time helping. Even here in NC it was a mild spring and things like cucumbers were off to a slow start. My next project is a blackberry patch and asparagus. I've got to study a bit more about them.

Anonymous said...

Your garden inspires me. We planted all our stuff in the ground and the plants just aren't growing. Now I understand why everyone here has raised beds! Hopefully, when we finally decide where to settle down, I'll be able to have some type of garden that resembles yours. It's wonderful!