
We're in a tough spot. Some of it is due to poor decisions on our part. Some of it is due to circumstances we could not have foreseen. Some of it is just bad luck. (Or lack thereof.)

Micah's lead level did not go down as far as we had hoped it would. It is currently under the "safe" level. But the more I research on my own and read studies about lead exposure the more I am convinced there really is no "safe" level. Somewhere, somehow he is still being exposed to lead in our house. Which also means Téah is being exposed to it. Of course, as parents, John and my immediate reaction is to say, "let's get our kids away from any possible exposure!"

However, it is a bit more complicated than that.

We are completely invested in this house. Heart, body, mind, soul. Completely invested. John (and many family members and friends) have spent hours putting their time, effort and love into this house. I honestly cannot even begin to list the things that have been done since we bought this house back in May of 2006. I know from the outsiders perspective this should not matter. Our childrens' health should be more important than any of that. And it is. Please believe me on this point. But it is hard to give up a dream and something you have put blood, sweat and tears into for almost 3 years.

There's also the financial side of the situation. We did not buy this house with the intent of selling it to make money. We didn't even buy it with the intent to make back what we put into it. We bought it with the intent to make it a home for our family and friends to enjoy and feel welcomed. However with selling comes the question, "Can we make the money back that we have put into it?" The answer is more than likely, "no." Not in today's market. Possibly not ever. So how can we possibly afford to move out, find a SAFE, lead-free house and try to sell this one. We can't figure out a way to make it work.

So now we're thinking about trying to rent it out. We'll see where that goes. And please know that we have no idea where this is going to lead. By reading this you have been subjected to my thinking out loud.

Please, please, please. If you own a home built before 1978 and you have young children or are currently pregnant, spend the money and have the lead-testing done. DO NOT mess around with lead. Just don't.

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